This project was developed as my senior capstone project at Washington University in St. Louis. The project is an experiment exploring narrative capacities of interactive and immersive scenes. The goal of portraying narrative through environment was explored using various methods such as transition, color, immersion, and perspective.
The concept of the project takes heavy influences from various video games, mostly in the RPG genre, and various concept artworks. The structure of the project is organized into a three part series taking ideas from the structures of a triptych.

Hieronymus Bosch- Garden of Earthly Delights. Influence for triptych idea

Concept from Dark Souls
Whilst the project consists of 4 total scenes, the work was split among myself and another group member. The first scene of the triptych mirrored the imagery of the sublime. It was decided as such that the scene will be of an natural environment. The initial step consisted of adding a fitting skybox from an HDRI and creating the basic terrain structure for the scene. The terrain structure and terrain textures were created using Unity's inbuilt terrain system.

The second pass added basic foliage and further went on to include other environment details such as cliff faces, bushes, and general clutter.

The final pass added adjustments to post processing as well as functional sections for transitions between scenes.

The second scene included smaller rooms meant to act as the transition between the first scene of the sublime and the third scene of the eerie. The second scene being a transition worked with the idea of transition and narrative by portraying liminal spatiality and transition through coloration. The final scene, representing the closing of the triptych reframes the scenes into exhibits. The change in perspective from a first person (viewing from within the scene) to a third person (view the scene through an aperture) experiments with how immersion changes through presentation.

Second scene- space as transition

Final Scene- immersion through perspective
Video Demo